Friday, October 8, 2021

5 Things You Might Not Realize About Writers and Writing

1. Writing helps writers to see the big picture as well as the small one. Writing teaches writers to notice life. A writer notices the striking sunset as well as the almost forgotten wildflower. They see because the best writing demands that they see.

2. Writing teaches a writer to listen. A writer hears the silence of a mountain walk. A writer hears children. A writer hears and takes note of disagreements across the room. The best characters come from their innermost memories and what they hear in a crowd or in silence.

My husband, Doug at a recent family wedding. Don't you just LOVE the flowers?

3. Writing promotes growth in other areas of a writer's life. Writers have the courage to speak what they feel because they have written what they've felt numerous times. Writers learn to speak one-on-one and in groups because they have shared their books in both settings through books signings and speaking engagements. 

It rained today. So beautiful.

4. Writers are connected with deep thinkers. Writers love those who can think deep. It isn't about sharing the weather. With them, it's about the color the weather creates. The moistness of rain on cement, traveling down gutters, droplets of dew on cars like kisses. Plants kneeling from the extra weight, grasses glistening, revealing their souls. Writers talk about what really matters. Hardships. Growth. Light.

5. Writing helps writers to stay on track. Writers are often journalers. And writing down their thoughts about their own life's curves and turns helps them to make better decisions and write a bit better present day.  

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