Friday, September 2, 2022

Wow! Readers are Loving This!

Fall is almost here!

What blog posts did readers and authors enjoy this summer?

Here are the top 5 picks.

1. What's New with Sounds Fishy? This first science fiction picture book by Lucas Salmon is a must-read! 

2.  Day Three! Last day to get your Two FREE books

Two of my books went on sale! The Parables of Virginia Bean and Heaven 24/7 - Living in the Light.


LightShade, book one in the Aaden Prescott science fiction/fantasy series was free. You can get the book here

4. When it's rough... What do you do when you don't feel like writing? How can you get back to it? This post gave some ideas.

5. You too can be a book rockstar! An interesting fact about this post... It was read a lot, but I didn't receive one taker! I don't know what's up with that. It wouldn't have cost you a penny to do a character interview on my blog. But now the time is passed until next summer.

Once again, it was the new book and the FREE books that got the most attention. After that, it was all about writing, but not so much follow-through when it came to marketing your book.

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