Wednesday, March 16, 2022

5 + Smart Strategies for Writers

Five powerful strategies that have kept me writing. 

1. Get up early. Write. [No excuses!] Your brain is fresher in the morning and less clogged with the duties of the day. 

2. Write when you don't feel like it. This includes all other times of the day when you could be writing but don't. I always keep a notebook with me. Record scenes, dialogue, or your next book title at doctors' offices, etc. 

3. Don't live on guilt trips. If you don't write one day, start fresh the next. But don't use your missed opportunity as an excuse not to begin again.

4. Share what you are working on with others in a general sense, but try not to share your entire plot! You want others to read your book after all.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

5. Don't give up. Never. Don't surrender. Don't live in doubt. Don't expect overnight success. Know that hard work will always be required to be a great writer. 

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