Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Interviews For Emerging Authors

At the League of Utah Writer's conference this past week, I meet a few writers, who, when I asked if they'd like to be interviewed on my site responded that they weren't published yet.

Photo by: ed_needs_a_bicycle, courtesy of Flickr
And it got me to thinking.

What makes a writer keep writing when he/she hasn't yet published?
What does their writing day look like, and what sorts of things do they do to study the craft?
Did they have a goal for when they'd like to put out their first query or first manuscript?
Had they decided if they wanted to self-publish or go the traditional route?

And it made me think of something else.

Interviews for the emerging author.

And so, here's what I'm going to do. Every Wednesday, I'd like to post an emerging author interview. The questions will be similar to the ones above. I will have the writer include a photo of themselves and their favorite book (in place of their not yet published book).

One of the best ways to learn about writing is to read books (especially in the genre we will be publishing in one day) and I think it will be fun to see what books you emerging authors have chosen.

So, here goes!

Write me at kathy@ariverofstones.com. Let me know what you write, and we'll go from there.


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