Wednesday, November 11, 2015

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Shevawn Michelle

Tell me about yourself. What got you started in writing?

I have been married to my high school sweetheart or over twenty years, a mom of two, and three furbabies. I love fishing and campfires. I started writing this year. It wasn't something I'd planned on, it just sort of happened. I kept having a ;scene play over and over in my head. I thought if I just wrote it down, it would stop. So not true, as more scenes just kept coming. That's how Talon was born and it's something that I really enjoy doing.

How do you schedule your writing time? When do you write?

Since I am a housewife, I don't really have a schedule for writing. I write during different times of the day, depending on what else I need to get done that day. Of course, with writing that doesn't always happen. Usually, it's the writing getting done and not the housework. I will say that for me, I do a lot of my writing in the wee hours of the morning. My husband works second shift and so that is the quietest time and when I get the most done.

How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top of some other method of getting your words down?

I write in my living room with the TV on. I have to have some background noise. It almost calms the thoughts instead of letting the zillion ideas in my head run rampant. I use my laptop but I do have an old fashioned notebook and pen handy at all times. Sometimes later parts of the book will come to me and so those go in the notebook until I get to that part on the computer.

What's you favorite part about writing? Your least favorite part about writing?

I love being able to create this whole other world. One where reality belongs to someone else and not me. the characters control the story, happy or sad, they have the final say. My least favorite part is writer's block. I know where the story needs to go, but the characters go silent and it's a waiting game. It can be very frustrating to say the least.

How did you come up with your book idea? How long did it take you to write your book?

With both of my books, the idea for them came wit the lines that kept repeating in my head. With Talon, it was something I fought. I'm not, or at least I wasn't, an author until I finally gave in to the characters. I'm glad I did. I'm really proud of my work. Talon took me about six months to write. Find Strength took about six months as well. That the good part of having time on your hands.

Get Talon at Amazon

What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?

Right now. social media is the only market I have for promoting. Hopefully, I can get into a position where I can use other avenues. Starting of though, it limits me on what I can and can't do as far as promotions. I'm having a blast though!

(Michelle, you may want to check out my book Marketing Your Book on a Budget for even more ideas).

What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?

Currently I am working on Braxton and Allie's story. They are two of the characters from Finding Strength. I'm excited for this one as well. Finding Strength is my new release. October 15th was the release date and it's getting great reviews so far.

Get the book at Amazon

Do you have  a project on the back burner? tell me about it.

Driven by Courage was going to be the next book I worked on, however, other characters area little louder right now. Driven by Courage focuses on Cawyer. He and his lover were as tight as can be. Life happens and they are driven apart, but second chances are always in the works. 

What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to published but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?

I was one of those authors. I had my husband push me to publish. You have to believe in yourself. someone out there is going to love what you write but you have to love it and believe in it first. Take a chance, get it out there and be proud.

Kathryn, how do you handle negative reviews?

Negative reviews will come, so I've learned to take them with a grain of salt. Of course I'm upset in the beginning, but every reader is different, and I've come to the conclusion that not everyone is going to like my books. And that's okay. The important thing is to listen to the review, keep what you think is valid and improve upon it for next time, but weed out those viewpoints that are off the grid.

Thank you!


Learn more about Shevawn at the following links:

Other links for Talon

Other links for Finding Strength 

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