Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Summer Unleashed

UPDATE: I have just finished the second draft of Charmed - I'm Sure. It turned out a little differently than I expected, but I like it. It's sort of a picture book for pre-teens. Is such a thing out there? Maybe it's a short story. In just a few minutes I'll post it on my blog here - at least a portion of it - and then I'll ask for takers on what you think the genre is.

Here is the direct link in case you found this post first.

This is my second time sitting in front of this screen today.

The first time, I wasn't sure what I wanted to write. I had multiple reasons why I didn't want to and no ideas.

All it took was a lunch break and time to think over what mattered to me.

Here are some thoughts:

I want to begin a new writing project.

A few years ago - I'm not even sure when the idea came - I was doing an interview for a blog and an idea for a picture book came to me. Fortunately, I wrote all of the ideas down, unfortunately, I lost these ideas until, just last week, I found some time and, in cleaning out my files, I found them again.

I'm not going to tell you a lot about the book other than to say that having a charmed life is not really what any of us want even if we think we do. 

Life isn't about perfection, it's about dirt and muck under our fingernails. It's about secrets that aren't kept and people that don't really like you. It's about people who want to serve but think too highly of themselves. It's about work. It's about doing what you don't like to do and aching muscles that tell you how old you're really getting.

Photo by Meg Jenson on Unsplash

Next, I want to spend some time marketing. I'm not really sure as I'm typing this what sort of marketing I'm going to do, but I'm going to do something, and I'd like that something to be original, especially since I have two books that should be ready for publishing by the end of this year. [I'm giving myself plenty of time because both of these books were supposed to be ready this spring. :)]

I want to do a lot of reading this summer. I want to pay attention to how authors write, how they put words together, and how they get you to feel the story behind the words. 

Do you have some writing goals for this summer? I would love to hear them.


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