But sometimes the task is necessary.
Sometimes, you have terrific characters, a nice setting, but the plot? Well, it sucks.
There is not enough intrigue, not enough tension, not enough (dare I say it) problems in the book to make the reader continue to read until the last page. Or you may have a lot going on in terms of problems, but the problems are all over the place and don't necessarily reflect the main struggle your primary character is going through.
Photo by: @Doug88888, courtesy of Flickr |
Yes, I'm well aware that some books don't need that climb up the mountain (such as a memoir, for example) but most books need the intrigue. They need the tension.
Without it, you have nothing but beautiful words that lead the reader to the kitchen for a bite to eat.
Starting over isn't all bad. You have the characters in place. You have the setting. Now, create some problems for the character that continue to get worse (based on the main issue) before they get better.
you gain more experience as an author each time you write anything...