Tell me a about yourself. What got
you started in writing?
Since at least
junior high school I had some ability to string words together. I worked on
school newspapers and earned a degree in journalism. For nearly four decades I
have worked as an advertising copywriter. But I never studied or practiced
creative writing until, in my mid-fifties, curiosity led me to wonder if I
could write a poem, then a short story, then a novel, then a nonfiction book. I
have had the good fortune to be published in all those areas, in anthologies and
books of my own. I have also written magazine articles. Having grown up in the
West in a cowboy family, I have an ingrown interest in those subjects and that
is what I write about.
How do you schedule your writing
time? When do you write?
In my day job I
learned to write to specific (and often ridiculous) deadlines. As a result, I
can write anytime, anywhere. I don’t even understand the idea of writer’s
block. If there’s something to write, I make the time to get it done despite the
usual distractions of life. Early mornings, late nights, long days, short
snatches—it doesn’t really matter.
How and where do you write? Do you
prefer a lap top or some other method of getting your words down?
While I am not
technically inclined and dislike computers—even to the point of being something
of a Luddite—I early on saw the advantages writing on a computer provided. When
the first “portable” computer came on the market, the Osborne, I bought one (it’s
still in the basement) and have written on computers ever since. I’ve had a
variety of desktop and laptop computers over the years, but do not like to
change hardware and software and resist doing so as long as possible.
I have a home
office of sorts, but also write at the kitchen table if there’s something on TV
I want to sort of pay attention to. Distractions like that—TV, radio,
music—actually help me focus. For some reason I don’t like peace and quiet when
I write. I have written in airports, on buses, in cars, and just about anywhere
and everywhere else I’ve found myself.
What's your favorite part about
writing? Your least favorite part about writing?
To borrow a phrase
from Bill Moyers (he was speaking of poetry, but it applies to any writing), I
like “fooling with words.” Beyond the basics of their meanings, I enjoy paying
attention to the sounds and the rhythms they create when strung together. A
well-turned phrase, a well-crafted sentence, a well-structured paragraph are
always enjoyable to write and read. Samuel Taylor Coleridge said prose is
“words in their best order” and poetry is “the best words in their best order.” I think all writing can and should
be poetic to some extent.
There’s nothing I
dislike about writing itself, but many of the related aspects of being a writer
can be frustrating. Sometimes it seems to take forever to see something in
print. Whether it’s a magazine article, a collection of poems or stories, a
novel or nonfiction book, waiting on publishers to finally apply ink to paper
gives one a glimpse of eternity.
How did you come up with your book
idea? How long did it take you to write your book?

It’s hard to say
how long the books take. I know one of the nonfiction books went from zero to
ink in nine months, because that’s what the publisher needed. Some of the
novels probably took less time. Collections of poetry and short stories take
In a way, it has
taken a lifetime to write the books.
What types of marketing do you do
to promote your writing?
There’s a web site
I try to keep current ( and I post short
items on every week or two,
and inform by e-mail a few hundred folks when there’s something new there.
I try to teach at
conferences and workshops whenever possible, and speak to community groups. When
I hear about a book-related event I try to participate.
I write for several
magazines, and the byline and short bio that accompanies articles gets my name
out, and the names of my books. And I try to get reviews of my books published
and I write cover blurbs for other authors. I have been fortunate to win
several recognized writing awards and I try to publicize those when I can. Finally,
I am a member of a few writers’ organization that work, in various ways, to
promote reading and literature.
What are you currently working on?
Do you have a new book out?
As mentioned
earlier, a publisher just picked up a new novel, my third book featuring the
character Rawhide Robinson. Like the other two, it’s adult/young adult
crossover fiction that features an Old West cowboy with a penchant for spinning
outrageous tall tales around the campfire, along with living a lot of real-life
cowboy adventures.
A second edition of
my first poetry collection is in the works. The original publisher closed up
shop to spend more time writing, and another publisher wants to keep the book
in print, so we’re getting all that arranged.
A historical novel
is in the early, early stages and I am always working on a magazine article or
Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.

What would you tell a beginning
writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
If you don’t
believe you can write, how can you expect other people to believe it? Earn some
confidence in your ability. Much of writing is simply a skill that anyone can
learn with effort. But it takes talent to employ that skill in exceptional
ways. Work on the mechanics of writing with practice, learn the artistry of
writing by reading and studying the best writers. And all the while, write and
write and write, but write with a purpose.
Enjoy what you have
written, but don’t fall in love with it—be more critical of your work than
anyone else could be and don’t quit rewriting until it’s as good as you can
possibly make it. Then try again. And again.
While critique
groups can be helpful, I would be leery of taking too much advice from
others—they can only tell you how they would do it, and you have to ask, what
do they know? Always remember that it’s not theirs, it’s yours, and follow your
heart or head or gut or whatever guides you.
I’ve never
understood why so many people say they want to be writers, pretend to be
writers, learn all kinds of writer jargon, talk a lot about writing, and
exhibit all kinds of “writerly” behavior, but never actually write anything or
attempt to get anything published. Why is that?
Thank you, Rod!
Learn more about Rod:
Online links:,
Thanks, Kathryn, for the interview. By the way, Western Fictioneers just announced that RAWHIDE ROBINSON RIDES THE TABBY TRAIL is winner of their Peacemaker Award for Best Western Novel for Young Adults. It was also named a Spur Award Finalist by Western Writers of America. Thanks again, and all the best. :Rod Miller