Friday, October 31, 2014




Kathryn Jones

Eating Out
Six months later a thought occurred to her that the fat man had been the catalyst; her last straw, her wake up call. 
             “Are you open?” the man had asked.  His voice had been deep and yawning like 
the Grand Canyon. 
“Of course.”  She looked up.  The man was fat—even more endowed than her own husband who’d gained a mere seventy pounds since their wedding day 20 years ago.  Fat oozed like soft butter from his great waistline.  His black and white checkered shirt, though buttoned, gaped to his belly, revealing a matted mass of hair.  She tried not to stare at it.  The word “pig,” came to mind.
            “Did you find everything all right?” she asked.
            “Just ring me up,” he growled, scratching his unshaven face.  “I have an appointment.”
            If someone had said, ‘Make a wish, Susan,” she would have wished for freedom in that moment—freedom from the customer, and all those to follow; freedom from her horrible job and marriage, freedom from unavailable friends and broken down cars.  She would work a bit somewhere else, and then travel to some exotic location.  Perhaps Paris or Hawaii
            Susan felt the crisp dollar bill in her hand.  “Sorry, sir,” she said, handing the disgruntled customer his change.  She watched his back-end leave the store.  Blubber, bump.  Blubber, bump.  Blubber, bump…
            It was the fat man who had finally given her the courage to take care of herself for the first time.  Perhaps it was not a conscious choice, but it was definitely a choice.  She left work that day never to return, got on a bus, leaving her rotten car in the parking lot—her fat husband wondering where she’d gone.  She hadn’t looked back. 
            Occasionally, like today, when the hotel lights burned deeply into her skull, and her eyes felt heavy from the tasks of serving, she would remember.  The terrible times when she tried to get pregnant.  His anger about her job, or the way she folded his underwear. She would think about the way he spoke to her; hardly, and then, harshly, as if the words he had meant to say to her long ago needed to come out now in one heated rush.
Also, the short moments of tenderness—her broken-down heap of a car that had still managed to get her to work, the doughnuts and candy bars that always made it into the kitchen cupboards and then quite naturally were fed by him into her open mouth—because he always shared what he bought for himself.  All those moments that made her life one with him. And now she was left with an aloneness she couldn’t begin to understand.
            “Jenny?”  The pounding on Susan’s front door made her blink.  She would never get used to her new name even if she lived to be a hundred years old.  She stood, walked to the solid piece of wood called her door, and peered wearily out the keyhole even though she didn’t need to.
            “What is it this time, John?”  Tonight, John seemed to be wearing some sort of pullover sweater and blue jeans.  His short, red hair was combed down the middle, and splayed to either side like the opening entrails of a fish.  She might have laughed if she hadn’t cared for him.  He was the dorkiest man she’d ever met, albeit the nicest.
            “Cup of sugar?”  She could see the white cup held eagerly in his left hand.  He pushed it forward to the keyhole.
            “I’m tired tonight.”
            She removed her eye from the keyhole, wondering if he blushed.  He always turned red whenever she spoke of anything having to do with sleep, or darkness, or her new down comforter.  She wasn’t sure why unless certain words created in him a desire for something he would never get from her. Was it her imagination, or could she feel him going red beyond the door?  And he was probably grinning too, now that he’d managed to breathe a little more evenly.
            “Come on Jenny.”
“Oh, all right.” 
The dead bolt cracked heavily, the double set of chains flicked to the sides of the heavy door, and she turned the knob of her upstairs room.  The Hotel Camaro, once a manor in Walnut Hill, had plenty of solid wood even where it didn’t seem needed—above her bed, on one of the walls in the living room, even above her head on the carved cornices seen throughout the building.  Everything reeked of oldness and renovation—though change would probably not happen in her lifetime—if ever.   The owner, Carter Childs, held his money like a tight fisted kid with his only penny; except Carter had many pennies though he told everyone otherwise.  The tramps who lived at the hotel were a continuous reflection of the future of the hotel and its’ lower than life standards.
John smiled.  His slightly yellow teeth reminded Susan of the eggs she had boiling on the stove. 
“You don’t mind getting the sugar yourself?”
“No problem.  But are you sure you want eggs?”  She could hear his large feet clunking to the pantry as she stirred the boiling eggs with a spoon.
Yes, the egg bomb incident.  How could she forget?  What had she been doing?  Oh, yes.  Carter wanted to see her, an overflowing toilet in room 10, he’d said—John’s room.  And she’d left the boiling eggs on the stove.  When the eggs exploded an hour later she was finishing with the water overflow mishap and had just re-entered the hallway.  Carter was beyond angry when he heard.  Her hotel room smelled like rotten eggs for days and she’d spent weeks walking outside and breathing in the musty city of Southern Philadelphia before permanently returning to her room.
“You do look tired.”
John had the sugar in his white bowl, but like always, he was not returning to the door.  “What can I do?”
“I just need some sleep.”
John blushed.  “Okay,” he said, looking for a place to sit on the old brown couch—her only couch in the very sparse room.
“You’d better go.”
“Maybe I can help.”
“You promised.”
John rolled his large blue eyes.  “I know,” he said, “but you need someone.” 
It had taken Susan six long months to trust John with a few facts about her life; others she had made up to cover her identity.  Her real name was one of them.  That she’d never been married was another—a sure fire mistake she would later see more clearly.  Perhaps John would have been less interested in her if he knew she had simply run away from her husband.  She wondered what he would think of her if he knew of her shallow thoughts of him that had created this mess in the first place.  She wondered if he’d understand that all of her thoughts weren’t shallow, that there was something else she never spoke of with anyone, the surest reason for her departure.  Was he searching for her?  Would she turn on the television one day only to discover her face on the small screen?  Or would he be grateful?  Was he pleased that she had left him?  Would he want to find her simply to file the divorce papers?  She wondered how long it had taken before he’d discovered she was missing.  She was glad they had no children, but only for this reason; no family that would be missing her.
Except her mother of course; her father was dead, and her sister in Virginia.  Kate would have a fit, perhaps even look for her for awhile, and then she’d get caught up once more in the corporate life and forget all about her.  Just like when they were kids and the doll collection was replaced by fake dollar bills and glittering coins purchased as a set from the grocery store.  Kate would later become a teller, and then she would work her way up the company from Payroll Manager to Director of Human Resources.  In addition to bossing all the bossing people around, she would get her degree in management, leaving Susan behind to take on the menial jobs.
Susan would never attend college, would marry the first man who even took a look at her—her husband, Bob, and they would try to have children—without success of course.  In the end, they would sit together, watch T.V. and he would eat and feed her what he’d bought.
Nothing stuck on her bones.  But with him, it was almost like, by getting fat, he was getting pregnant instead of her.  At first she’d joked about it.  And then the joking made him watch television alone in the basement, sneak food at odd hours, and make excuses for his sorry life.
Susan turned to look at John.  He had been silent for an unreasonable amount of time.  “Sorry,” she started and then realized he was gone.... -Book one of the Susan Cramer Mystery Series


"Susan Cramer was desperately in need of a vacation, but not at the expense of another dead man."

            A leisurely vacation turns deadly when an old man falls dead at Susan's feet on the cruise ship Aloha.

            Was she some sort of death magnet?
            Maybe so. Maybe not.

            One thing was for sure. Through the lies, secrets, and surprises to be discovered on board and off, Susan will learn at least one important thing, and this thing called "love" will be something she wished had never followed her out to the high seas.

-Book Two of the Susan Cramer Series

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Life on this Scary Planet: How to Write When Life Gets in the Way

I don't know about you, but sometimes life gets in my way and I have a difficult time writing.

The worst stint happened years ago when I was raising my three daughters, working two jobs, and trying to make things happen living far away from my extended family.

I didn't write for 10 years.

If you think that's surprising, you need to understand my come-from during that time. I had many excuses; many emotional struggles that I felt prevented me from writing.

What I know now is that that time was important. It may have been hard, but it was important. Now, some years later, I get a glimpse of the difficulties, but (like having a baby and forgetting the pain, though no entirely, until the next baby is born) it's not the same.

I feel as if I've lost the completeness of that time I would have now been able to use in my own writing, if I'd kept a journal during that time and recorded what I experienced.

Sure, life is sometimes scary on this planet, but life can really only get in the way of writing about it if you let it.

Don't let it.

Spend some time each day writing even if it hurts. Write even if you don't feel like it. Write instead of watching television. Write.

Just write.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Keep Breathing...

Feeling the holidays fast approaching?

Just yesterday I began my Christmas list...I have to begin the list before the Christmas season actually hits; if I don't, I find myself scrambling at the last minute for gifts, my mind aching from all of the rushing...

This morning I thought about my Christmas tree. Imagine that! I thought about how it looked last year standing in front of my living room window all decorated and glowing.

Boy, what happened to Halloween?

The good news is that I haven't started decorating for Christmas yet. :) It's all I can do right now to sort of stop the rushing in my brain and enjoy the holiday that is fast approaching this week.

Halloween. Tricks. Treats. Dressing up. Halloween movies.

I love it all.

Happy Halloween to you!


Monday, October 27, 2014


Tell me a about yourself. What got you started in writing?

I am a happily married mother of three children. I write to keep myself sane. It is a bit of my life that is all mine midst of the chaos of raising little ones. I started writing in my teens to record and share the many stories in my head. My first book was published while I was in my twenties.

How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or do you prefer writing freehand?

Since I write in the spare moments of life, I almost always use my laptop. Positioned on the kitchen table in the middle of the action, it is perfectly poised to record my thoughts, ideas, or just the next paragraph in my current work in progress (WIP).

What's your favorite part about writing? Your least favorite part about writing?

I love the storytelling process. The first draft is a wonderful challenge. My least favorite part is probably editing, but I am finding as I grow older, I appreciate the process more. I definitely enjoy the results of a good edit.

How do you come up with your characters? Why would readers want to get to know them?

I am attracted to complex characters. My heroes are all true heroes, men who struggle to do the right thing despite overwhelming odds. They treat women with respect, but are still flawed and imperfect. However, many of them have a hard and roughened edge. I try to make sure they still sound and act like men.

My heroines are not always beautiful on the outside, but always on the inside. Realistic women with realistic problems, they have strong personalities in their own right. They tend to be logical creatures, trying to hold their own in the male dominated world in which they live. I work hard to balance strength with femininity.

What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?

I am active on my Facebook page, Twitter account, and blog. As a member of multiple Facebook groups, I try to support other authors and keep an eye open for any free or low cost marketing opportunities. I also am always looking for people to post reviews of my books. Also, I have a serial story, Isbeth’s Redemption, appearing in InD’tale Magazine so readers can try out my writing style for free. All it takes is signing up for a free subscription. You can sign up for one at

How do you schedule your writing time? When do you write?

I try to write a bit every day. Two of my three children nap in the afternoon for an hour or two and all three of them are down for bed by 8 PM. When they are asleep, I am usually trying to fit in some writing time. Also, I have an amazing and supportive hubby. He lets me run away to the library or a restaurant and write for an hour or two a week, sometimes more. Finding time and brain space is a challenge, but we sacrifice for what we love. My writing is one of the things I love.

What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?

I always have at least three projects going: one in the publishing stage, one in the
editing stage, and one in the writing stage.

On October 15th, I will be releasing the long anticipated stand-alone sequel to The Crown of Anavrea, my first published novel. The King of Anavrea is an inspirational romance set in my fantasy country of Anavrea. Ireic Theodoric was left the crown of Anavrea when his brother was disinherited in the The Crown of Anavrea. Now Ireic struggles to rule well despite an advising council with bullying tendencies and a militant neighboring country. Offering himself up for a political marriage in an effort to enlist an ally, he inadvertently makes things worse. His new bride didn't appear as promised. Now he has to go find her and rescue her before he can even marry her.

Currently in the editing stage, Honor will hopefully be appearing before the end of the year. The sequel to Duty: First Novel of Rhynan continues the story of Rhynan with Lord Dentin. As holder of the title Securer of the Realm, Lord Dentin is one of the most powerful men in Rhynan. However, he is still subject to the king, and the king wants him to remove the adopted son of Tomas and Brielle from their household. When he crashes a wedding to fulfill his mission, he is confronted by a young woman with dark eyes and strong opinions. Elsa learns of his mission and calls his honor into question. While deciding how to proceed, Dentin discovers a treasonous plot entangling Elsa’s family. But, despite his best efforts, Elsa adamantly refuses his help.

My current writing project is finishing an epic inspirational fantasy novel that I have been working on bit by bit for years. Living Sacrifice has a bit of everything: romance, adventure, coming of age, political intrigue, warfare of the physical and spiritual nature, and a country on the cusp of a revolution. Zezilia and Hadrian’s story is a fast paced ride.

Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.

My current planning project is temporarily titled Faith: Third Novel of Rhynan. At this stage, I am expecting it to include a medieval horse breeder, the child of a painter, and a royal portrait that will change the nation. We shall see how it all plays out when I get to the writing stage.

What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?

Writing and storytelling is a craft that can be learned. Some are more natural writers and storytellers than others, but it can be learned. If you fear your book isn't ready, then ask someone who reads a lot of books, is knowledgeable in the field, and will give you an honest opinion. Hire an editor and work on your book until it is ready. If there is a burden on your heart to get your story out and traditional methods of publication don’t work out, then don’t give up. The indie-publishing field is alive and growing. Information and guidance to publishing your own book is out there if you look for it.

 Thanks, Rachel!

Learn more about Rachel and her books...

Social Media Links
Facebook ~ 
YouTube ~ 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Instragram! Contest! WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Like trying new things, even scary things?

This morning, after spending a couple of days learning the basic ropes of posting on Instagram and getting some followers; all it takes is a little time, trial and error, something even more grand is happening this morning.

If you're planning on attending the Simple Treasures Boutique in Farmington, Utah, from November 5-8, you may just want to get involved in a little Round Robin on Instagram.

I am @kj.books, so if you haven't already, you need to follow me so that you can get the Instagram I'll be sending at 10 a.m. If you're not set up with Instagram yet, hurry! I would hate you to miss all of the FREE stuff from various vendors that will be giving away $15 or more in savings at their gift shop!

Mark, get set, GO!

Winner is: @seeshelby!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Where Have You Been? Simple Treasures Gift Show

If I haven't met you at one of the Simple Treasures events, you might want to think again. Not only for the books I have to offer :) but for the wonderful crafts and Christmas decor that you'll find at Simple Treasures Boutique in Farmington.

Here's the info:

Date: November 5-8
  • 151 S 1100 W
  • Farmington, Utah 84025


Monday, October 20, 2014


Tell me a about yourself. What got you started in writing?

I had a book rattling around in my head for years; but with raising a family, working full-time in the fast-paced high-tech industry, and getting two college degrees, I simply did not have the extra time to sit down and focus on writing. But then I retired and moved from the temperate climate of California where I spent a great deal of time outdoors to the extreme hot and cold seasons of Utah where I was spending more time indoors. So trapped in my top-floor, downtown apartment with a beautiful view over the entire Salt Lake valley, I thought, now is the time to write my novel.

How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or do you prefer writing freehand?

I began writing my novel when the last winter turned so snowy and so bitter cold that negotiating the outdoors became a chore. So I set up my laptop on a small desk in my living room, situated by a large window overlooking the valley. I found it very soothing and stimulating to write while watching the beautiful snowfalls.

What's your favorite part about writing? 

My favorite part of writing is when I’m on a creative streak and the words just effortlessly flow – it’s so exhilarating. But at some point, brain drain hits – I get exhausted, the words stop, and I need a recess.

How do you come up with your characters? Why would readers want to get to know them?

The characters from my just-published debut novel, A Less Than Perfect Beginning, are based upon actual people encountered during my childhood. Beth, the protagonist, is based upon my own experiences. The premise of my novel is that through faith, a positive attitude, and a sense of humor, one is able to not only survive a dysfunctional childhood but to also thrive and succeed in life. The reader cheers for Beth and is inspired by her spunkiness and perseverance.

What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?

There are SO many marketing avenues! Here are some that I have used: Join writers’ groups, attend writers’ conferences to sell your books and network, advertise in writers’ organizations newsletters, place your books in local independent bookstores, have your books placed on the shelf in local Barnes & Noble stores, send copies of your books to reviewers at local newspapers, advertise on websites such as Kirkus Reviews and Goodreads, have a give-away program on Goodreads, advertise through college alumni associations and other membership clubs

How do you schedule your writing time? When do you write?

Since I view my writing as a vocation, I treat it as I did when working as a full-time marketer. I rise early in the morning and am at my computer, ready to begin writing, at 9:00 a.m. My concentration lasts for about two hours, so I take breaks that include exercising in my apartment building gym, strolling throughout my Avenues neighborhood, or walking to one of the many espresso cafes in downtown and treating myself to a caf̩ mocha. Refreshed, I return to my laptop for another two hours of writing. And so it continues Рwrite, rest, write, rest. At 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m., I call it a day.

What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?

I have just begun to write my second novel which is based on the adult life phase of the protagonist, Beth, from my first novel. The story will follow Beth’s trials and tribulations as a young, divorced mother.

Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.

My current efforts are focused on marketing my first novel and writing my second one.

What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?

I would recommend that new writers join a local writers’ club where they will be surrounded by other authors and will receive input on their work. They should also attend writers’ conferences to meet authors, agents, editors, and publishers and to get a feel for the publishing industry.

Thank you Diane!

Learn more about Diane:

Diane L. Huffman, happily retired from a marketing career in the fast-paced high-tech industry, has penned her first novel, A Less Than Perfect Beginning. She was inspired by a raucous childhood that was filled with secrets and psychos, but also humor and hope. Huffman earned B.A. and M.B.A. degrees and has traveled extensively throughout the world. She now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah near her son and is currently at work on her second novel.

“An exhilarating, unsentimental story of one woman’s triumph over a devastating childhood” —Kirkus Reviews

League of Utah Writers:
"Very well done, I would definitely recommend." —League of Utah Writers

Saturday, October 18, 2014


I'm preparing for my book signing today. That means loads of work, but a lot of fun when the time comes!

If you'd like to stop on by, let me know by answering this post, and I'll send you the details!

Can't make it?
Get the book here!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

IT'S COMING!! Simple Treasures Boutique

And I'll be there!

From the Simple Treasures facebook page here:

Davis Fairgrounds in Farmington, Across I-15 from Lagoon
W-F 10am to 8pm and Sat 10am to 6pm
$1 admission
Central Checkout
All major credit cards accepted

If you’ve never been to a boutique before, this is the one not to miss! Over 100 of Utah's Premier Top Local Crafters! A Huge Array of Booths Filled with, Fashion Chic Accessories, Handmade Jewelry, Neighbor Gifts, Metal Décor, Yummy Treats and much much more!!! A Davis County Tradition!!!

Show info: (435) 258-5635 or (801) 814-8670


Get a copy of my latest mystery:
Sunny Side-Up

plus six other books!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

5 Ways to Make Your Characters Real

Making your characters real is really not much of a mystery, even if you're writing one.

Still, there are things that a writer must remember when placing their main, secondary, and antagonist characters on the page. Here they are in no particular order:

1. Every character needs flaws, especially your main character who must change and grow through the story.

2. Every character must have some redeeming qualities; yes, even the antagonist. Perhaps the antagonist lies through her teeth on every account, but keeps a beautifully kept yard or has an eye for formal wear.

3. Every character needs to have characteristics specific to who they are. These characteristics may be body mannerisms, dress style, the way he drives his car or the way she avoids speaking in public.

4. Every character needs to stay in character. If it helps for you to make a list, do it. If it helps you to remember hair color, eye color, or what your main character's name is, write it down or use a picture from a magazine to keep you on task.

5. Every character needs to be as real as your next door neighbor. That means you may know more about your main character than you will use in your book. But you will know the insides and outs of your main character in case something comes up and you need to know her favorite type of music, for example.

I tend to mix up character names in my books, so it's a good idea for me to write them down and have them handy. You may forget the particular flaws given to a particular character or the redeeming qualities, or even the particular body mannerisms your protagonist has.

If so, make a list and have that list handy.

You won't regret it.

Monday, October 13, 2014


     Tell me a about yourself. What got you started in writing?

I was an avid letter-writer as a kid. My family moved around a lot and I kept a sense of inclusion by corresponding with old friends. This was back in the 80s and 90s before the convenience of Facebook. Longing for a sense of community was what propelled me back into the written arts in my thirties. By the powers of Google I uncovered a local creative writing group in Newcastle NSW that had weekly writing exercises and oiled the cogs of writing and storytelling that had lay dormant for a while. I've always written in some capacity, whether for work, for uni, or casual blogging, there is something truly freeing in articulating your thoughts in the written word.

How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or do you prefer writing freehand?  

My initial ideas, and shorter complete pieces are written pen on paper. I try to centralize where I write them, but if a story pops into my head I will grab the closest writing tool to me. I have stories (or the seeds of stories) written on the back of envelopes, on scrap paper, on post-it notes. Sometimes I will write directly into the computer, a word document is great for cutting and pasting to reorganize.

What's your favorite part about writing? Your least favorite part about writing?

I enjoy anything collaborative, such as writing groups where everyone is encouraged to read aloud, and live reading nights for anthologies or competitions. Constructive feedback and the pooling of ideas when someone is stuck, it’s the organic and genuine part of writing where all ego is removed. Not my least favourite, but my most difficult, is plotting longer pieces. I am plotting a novel at the moment and it is quite the exercise organizing so many thoughts. I may choose complex narrative structures just to challenge myself, because I love the challenge, but I concede it is not easy.

How do you come up with your characters? Why would readers want to get to know them?

My characters are often composite characters of real people from my personal and professional life, with a healthy splash of myself thrown in for good measure. I take the most base and universal feelings from the human experience and parade them across the page for everyone to recognise. You want to get to know them because getting to know them is getting to know yourself. All the characters are mirrors of the inexplicable – and often self-defeating – things we all do.

What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?

My favourite thing to do is author interviews. As a former blogger myself I really appreciate other indie writers opening up their little corner of the interwebs and inviting me in. I am in internet persona exactly as I am in real life, a perpetual visitor and guest. To promote yourself as an author, contribute to competitions and anthologies and festivals. To market a specific book, do a Goodreads giveaway, run Rafflecopter giveaways, have a dedicated website or blog which you update regularly with fresh links to boost your google ranking, design a one page promo leaflet, a bookmark, a banner etc to distribute to reviewers and giveaway winners.

How do you schedule your writing time? When do you write?

I hope to be somewhat more organized in the future, but I currently have no set routine for writing. It is something that I squeeze in, in between every other life activity I'm
doing. I am happy doing that for the moment, just pottering around and enjoying my erratic bursts of creativity. However when you look at the routines of highly productive and mass-published authors like Kate Forsyth, they treat writing like any other day job and have start and finish times and scheduled meal breaks and the income they make from writing sustains them.

What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?

I put out my debut collection of short stories earlier this year, it is entitled Sniggerless
Boundulations and as the tagline suggests it is the horrors of life in fifteen slices. It is full of tension and unease and delicious anxiety and jealousy. They are only little tales – most fall into the category of micro-fiction or flash fiction – but they are concentrated and potent. I am hoping to get a second collection together (entitled Laissez Faire) by the end of the year, I am nearing completion, just need to transcribe it all to the computer and finish a couple of pieces off.

Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.

I am trying my hand at novel writing with a project called Daughters of Mallory. It is a speculative fiction novel that riffs off a few fairy tales and literary characters. It is very much about women, and mothers and daughters. It is quite an ambitious project but I'm moving along at a semi-decent pace. I've been very inspired by the episodic structure of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club and the films of Tarantino. Its about time we had a postmodern Australian feminist dystopia!

What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?

I once asked the director of the Hunter Writers Centre, Karen Croft, how did she keep uncovering these wonderful writers, how did she know prior to them coming along to our writers group that they would be so talented. She said she believed everyone was a writer. That sentiment really struck a chord with me. We all communicate every day, we all tell stories, we all pass down family history orally, we convey jokes and tall tales. Everyone is a storyteller, and everyone’s story is important. If you have something to say then you have something to write.

Thank you, Morgan!
Get Morgan's book here