Tell me a about yourself. What got
you started in writing?
I am a happily married mother of three
children. I write to keep myself sane. It is a bit of my life that is all mine
midst of the chaos of raising little ones. I started writing in my teens to
record and share the many stories in my head. My first book was published while
I was in my twenties.
How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or do you prefer writing freehand?
Since I write in the spare moments of
life, I almost always use my laptop. Positioned on the kitchen table in the
middle of the action, it is perfectly poised to record my thoughts, ideas, or
just the next paragraph in my current work in progress (WIP).
What's your favorite part about
writing? Your least favorite part about writing?
I love the storytelling process. The
first draft is a wonderful challenge. My least favorite part is probably
editing, but I am finding as I grow older, I appreciate the process more. I
definitely enjoy the results of a good edit.
How do you come up with your
characters? Why would readers want to get to know them?
I am attracted to complex characters.
My heroes are all true heroes, men who struggle to do the right thing despite
overwhelming odds. They treat women with respect, but are still flawed and
imperfect. However, many of them have a hard and roughened edge. I try to make
sure they still sound and act like men.
My heroines are not always beautiful
on the outside, but always on the inside. Realistic women with realistic
problems, they have strong personalities in their own right. They tend to be
logical creatures, trying to hold their own in the male dominated world in
which they live. I work hard to balance strength with femininity.
What types of marketing do you do
to promote your writing?
I am active on my Facebook page,
Twitter account, and blog. As a member of multiple Facebook groups, I try to
support other authors and keep an eye open for any free or low cost marketing
opportunities. I also am always looking for people to post reviews of my books.
Also, I have a serial story, Isbeth’s
Redemption, appearing in InD’tale Magazine so readers can try out my
writing style for free. All it takes is signing up for a free subscription. You
can sign up for one at
How do you schedule your writing
time? When do you write?
I try to write a bit every day. Two
of my three children nap in the afternoon for an hour or two and all three of
them are down for bed by 8 PM. When they are asleep, I am usually trying to fit
in some writing time. Also, I have an amazing and supportive hubby. He lets me run
away to the library or a restaurant and write for an hour or two a week,
sometimes more. Finding time and brain space is a challenge, but we sacrifice
for what we love. My writing is one of the things I love.
What are you currently working on?
Do you have a new book out?
I always have at least three projects
going: one in the publishing stage, one in the
editing stage, and one in the
writing stage.

On October 15th, I will be releasing the long anticipated stand-alone sequel to The Crown of Anavrea, my first published novel. The King of Anavrea is an inspirational romance set in my fantasy country of Anavrea. Ireic Theodoric was left the crown of Anavrea when his brother was disinherited in the The Crown of Anavrea. Now Ireic struggles to rule well despite an advising council with bullying tendencies and a militant neighboring country. Offering himself up for a political marriage in an effort to enlist an ally, he inadvertently makes things worse. His new bride didn't appear as promised. Now he has to go find her and rescue her before he can even marry her.
Currently in the editing stage, Honor will hopefully be appearing before
the end of the year. The sequel to Duty:
First Novel of Rhynan continues the story of Rhynan with Lord Dentin. As
holder of the title Securer of the Realm, Lord Dentin is one of the most
powerful men in Rhynan. However, he is still subject to the king, and the king
wants him to remove the adopted son of Tomas and Brielle from their household.
When he crashes a wedding to fulfill his mission, he is confronted by a young
woman with dark eyes and strong opinions. Elsa learns of his mission and calls
his honor into question. While deciding how to proceed, Dentin discovers a
treasonous plot entangling Elsa’s family. But, despite his best efforts, Elsa
adamantly refuses his help.
My current writing project is finishing
an epic inspirational fantasy novel that I have been working on bit by bit for
years. Living Sacrifice has a bit of
everything: romance, adventure, coming of age, political intrigue, warfare of
the physical and spiritual nature, and a country on the cusp of a revolution.
Zezilia and Hadrian’s story is a fast paced ride.
Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.
My current planning project is
temporarily titled Faith: Third Novel of
Rhynan. At this stage, I am expecting it to include a medieval horse
breeder, the child of a painter, and a royal portrait that will change the
nation. We shall see how it all plays out when I get to the writing stage.
What would you tell a beginning
writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
Writing and storytelling is a craft
that can be learned. Some are more natural writers and storytellers than others,
but it can be learned. If you fear your book isn't ready, then ask someone who
reads a lot of books, is knowledgeable in the field, and will give you an
honest opinion. Hire an editor and work on your book until it is ready. If
there is a burden on your heart to get your story out and traditional methods
of publication don’t work out, then don’t give up. The indie-publishing field
is alive and growing. Information and guidance to publishing your own book is
out there if you look for it.
Thanks, Rachel!
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