New Book!
When the Scottish came to America, they brought their Halloween traditions with them. Will Charlotte find her true love on Halloween?
Holidays in Willow Valley is a Collection of Six Holiday
Stories set in 1840: When Emmeline is invited to a Valentine’s Ball, she and Charlotte wonder if they will have an
opportunity to meet the Valentine Bandit? When it’s St. Patrick’s Day, what three wishes will Josie make if she finds a
leprechaun? Is it common to play jokes on one another on April Fools Day? Nicholas and Lucas find out firsthand and are
surprised who the culprits are. On Independence
Day, Angelica’s eyes are opened when she is challenged. She believes in
independence for all people. When the Scottish came to America, they brought
their Halloween traditions with them.
Will Charlotte find her true love on Halloween? When it’s time for Christmas, Angelica learns what the gift
of giving is all about. This book is full of surprises.
Get the ebook, paperback, or audiobook
Pastor MacFarlane held up his
hand to quiet everyone down. “Thank you for attending All Hallows Eve. Today
and tomorrow are the days when we remember and honor our loved ones who have
passed on. It’s also a time to pray for the souls who have gone astray.” He
motioned to the fire. “We gather together every year on October 31st and light
a bonfire, in order to ward off bad luck and any evil spirits for the coming
year. The following day, you are permitted to take buckets of ashes to spread
over your gardens to ward off bad luck and to give your soil nourishment for
the coming year. Please enjoy yourself this evening.”
“Is somebody going to tell us
ghost stories?” a young boy asked eagerly.
“Of course. It wouldn’t be All
Hallows Eve without a scary story.” With a chuckle, Pastor MacFarlane
added, “By the way, those who are dressed up as little devils, try not to make
so much mischief this year.”
As everyone laughed, an
elderly man pulled out his flute and began playing a jig. Young men and women
quickly took a partner and joined in the revelry, dancing around the bonfire.
When Charlotte saw some young boys huddled together, she knew they were
thinking up some mischief to do.
When she noticed Jacob
watching her and giving her a charming smile, Charlotte was about to join him
when Mr. Campbell stepped up to her and said, “To tell you the truth, I didn’t
expect to see you dressed like this.” His eyes scanned her gown and he cleared
his throat. “You have on a very interesting costume, Miss Charlotte. I’m not
sure who you represent, but is it appropriate for a pastor’s daughter?”
Trying not to laugh at his
pompous attitude, she replied, “Queen Esther was a saint who was beloved by all
her people, because she saved them from certain death. You can learn about her
in the Bible.”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure
I’ve heard of her.”
“Please excuse me. I must help
father greet our guests.”
With that said, she walked
around the gentleman and headed for Jacob.
“Welcome to our celebration,
sir,” she said as she approached him. When she noticed he had on a cap with two
homemade ears sewn on top, she held back her laughter and put her hand to her
mouth to hide the humor. “Wow! I like your costume.”
Before he could answer, she
walked around him to inspect his outfit. Lo and behold, he had a braided rope
tied to his backside for a tail, and it was sewn to his trousers.
Laughter bubbled out as she
said, “Uhm, what are you supposed to be?”
Jacob turned around to face
her and he was grinning. “Guess.”
“A cuddly kitten?”
“No, you’re not even close.”
He groaned and shook his head. “Cuddly kitten?”
Charlotte laughed when he
pulled a face.
“Guess again.”
“Are you a sly fox?”
Jacob chuckled. “Sly, perhaps.
But no. I’ll give you a hint. After I made the ears, my cap kept falling off so
I had to cut the ears shorter.”
“So… your ears are supposed to
be longer?” Charlotte’s eyes brightened. “I’ve got it. You’re a stubborn ole
He broke into laughter. “No,
no. I’m a horse.” He swept his tail into his hand and turned his backside to
her. “Isn’t this a tail of a horse?”
When she looked closer,
Charlotte realized that his tail was not made of rope but actual horsehair that
had been braided. With laughter, she said, “Very nice, indeed.”
“The hair is from my horse’s
mane,” he said proudly. “I braided it myself.”
“You’d better not get your
backside too close to the fire with that tail,” she warned.
Jacob laughed. “You’re right.”
“That reminds me. We have a
tradition for All Hallows Eve. If you drop a piece of your own hair into the
bonfire, the identity of your future wife or husband will be revealed to you
through your dreams that night.”
Jacob’s eyes brightened. “Then
by all means, let’s do it.”
He quickly grabbed a knife
from the table and cut a few strands of his hair. Then he very carefully cut a
piece from Charlotte’s and gave it to her. After putting the knife back, he
hurried to her.
With a grin, Jacob said, “Are
you ready?”
When she nodded, they both
tossed their strands of hair onto the embers where they sizzled and
Leaning toward her, he
whispered, “Tell me who you dream about. All right?” He winked at her. “And it
had better be me.”
She laughed. His flirtations
were such fun.
Pointing to the brightly
glowing turnips on the table, Jacob cocked his head curiously. “I like those.
Very creative.”
“It’s part of our tradition.
We carve them out and put a little candle inside. If they’re too small, we’ll
just carve a face into them.”
“Wow! I like it. I wonder what
it would look like with something larger… such as a pumpkin?”
Charlotte raised her brow and
gave a nod. “We’ll have to try it sometime.”
When she saw her father
watching them, she noticed a very curious and sober expression on his face.
When he motioned her toward him, she said, “Oh, oh. I’m being summoned. I’ll be
back, my brave steed.”
He chuckled. “Oh yes, a steed.
I like that. It’s much better than a stubborn mule or a cuddly kitten.”
Charlotte laughed as she
sauntered toward her father.

Linda Weaver Clarke was raised in the Rocky Mountains of Southern Idaho and now lives among the red desert hills of southern Utah. She is the author of Historical Romance, Cozy Mystery, Mystery Suspense, Swashbuckling Romances, Children’s Books, and non-fiction. Linda is a service missionary at the FamilySearch Center in St. George, Utah where she helps people find their ancestors. She believes it is important to learn about your heritage.