Tell me a about yourself. What got you started
in writing?
I began writing in
grade school and since I’ve always loved being read to and then reading myself,
it was a natural instinct to move on into writing. My first recollection of a
written piece was when one of my elementary teachers assigned us the project of
creating a week long journal of a caveman’s family. Wish I still had that. I
can almost imagine how horrified I would be now reading it! Much better to look
back and remember it in my faded memory.
How do you schedule your writing time? When do
you write?
Once I have my normal
morning “chores” completed, I take care of important email, give face book
and/or twitter a look at (unless I’m promoting, then, of course, that takes a
bit longer). I might do a guest post or two, work on my own blog,
etc. After that, I’m free to edit or write. I can finish the morning and on
into the afternoon progressing on whatever writing tasks I’ve planned for the
day. I seldom write in the evenings unless I’m on a deadline. I like to take
that time to spend with my hubby.
How and where do you write? Do you prefer a
lap top or some other method of getting your words down?
I have a huge desk
that my hubby refurbished for me. Large enough to hold my two laptops plus a
variety of useful items--like resource books--and quite a few things that I
enjoy: candles, baskets, favorite books, pictures of my grandsons, etc. This is
my favorite place to write. I have a nice window beside me to stare at nature
when I need a minute or two to ponder.
But since we travel a
good bit, I find myself writing in our vehicle many times. On vacations, I prop
my faithful laptop wherever, to get in a few minutes of writing time. I’m not a
set-in-stone time writer, but when the urge hits--and I always want it to every
day!--then I like to capture that bit of inspiration.
What's your favorite part about writing? Your
least favorite part about writing?
Not sure I have a
“least favorite” part. I do have “hindrances” and sometimes “mental blocks” but
for the most part, I enjoy it all: from the moment I have the inspiration for a
new novel, to the research, deciding on how to write the first chapter, to
developing the plot and subplots, to getting the final chapter just right. I
enjoy the marketing--although I don’t like it that it takes so much time! I
love my readers comments and the happy feeling when they clamor for more. It’s
a never-ending cycle for me. Being a
writer is me. A part of who I am.
How did you come up with your book idea? How
long did it take you to write your book?
Bat Crazy is the second book in my Denton and Alex
Davies mystery series. The first book--HOG INSANE--was initially a short
story, but later I decided to develop it into a first novel for a series. When
I did, I wanted to play on “insanity” type words. Book Three is called Daffy’s
Duck and will release sometime late 2016.
Bat Crazy was also the hardest book for me to
write, so it naturally took me way too long to finish. Not that it was the
book’s fault. It was a difficult year for me, with five deaths in as many
months. Thankfully, with God, my editor and hubby’s encouragement, I plowed
through, and now see the warm results of my steady efforts. Because of that
difficulty I have a particular happiness with this novel.
I like to give myself
plenty of time to write, but I know that authors must put out books in a fairly
constant stream to keep and gain readers. I’m working on that, and should have
one more book out in November: the first book in another lighthearted mystery
series, called Sabotaged Christmas.
What types of marketing do you do to promote
your writing?
I’ve tried many
methods of marketing; some expensive and some free. Some worked and some
haven’t. I like to use blog guest posting and interviews, which are
awesome to put your name “out there.” I also use a limited amount of
Facebook and fairly inexpensive ads at reputable sites. I
believe that each person must research, examine, and experiment to make a
healthy decision of what works for them. Word of mouth is still a
powerful avenue. Gain readers by giving away copies as you’re
able. Hold fun contests. Be generous by reviewing for others, promoting and
sharing others good news and books. Remember the old adage: What comes
around, goes around. If you’re caring for others, they will
care for you.
What are you currently working on? Do you have
a new book out?
BAT CRAZY just released,
and I couldn’t be happier! I love this book (but always say that! Lol) It’s the
second book in my Denton and Alex Davies Mystery series.
Here’s the blurb:
Red-eyed Monster Bats that attack humans?
Denton doesn’t think so and Alex hopes not, but who are they to
quibble with the local gossip?
Transmission problems and a blown tire land Denton and Alex Davies
right in the middle of a dilapidated, unfriendly town that’s welcoming no
strangers, least of all nosy ones with a bent toward solving mysteries.
But with support from the town detective--an admirer of the
Davies--and their own tenacious personalities, Denton and Alex aren’t easily
scared off. Not when warnings in the form of painted bats show up on the porch
of their rented cabin, not when the mayor threatens to run them out of town and
not even when Denton finds the bones . . .
An ancient story, a bit of a map, a lost jewel and even a bat clan
serve to provide the Davies and their sidekick, Taffy, the dog, their hardest
case so far.
I’m also putting the
final touches on book one of a NEW Mystery series, coming out in November 2015.
The series is called: The Appleton, West Virginia Mysteries, and
the first book is called Sabotaged Christmas. I’m excited to begin
sharing about this series and hope everyone will check it out! My agent is also
shopping the first book of a romantic suspense Nursery Rhyme Suspense trilogy. I’m working to
finish the second book in my WWII Trilogy and several others I’m
researching. So far,
I’ve never run out of ideas and don’t expect to any time soon.
Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell
me about it.
More than one! Here’s
a glimpse (or two): I’ve begun, but had to
put on a back burner because of other book obligations, a historical romantic suspense set
in the 1800s. I’d love to find time to finish this one. I have an injured soldier book that I
haven’t had time to begin.
I would love to finish
a standalone that features an unlikely duo who
work/own at a mystery weekend bed and breakfast. And I have a romantic suspense set in Mexico
of an idealistic young missionary captured between the glow of a hacienda-owning drug
lord (unknown to her) and his sweet sister and a steady, hard-working young man who labors
beside his father in a missionary setting which is anything but glamorous.
What would you tell a beginning writer who
wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
Never quit writing.
I’ve mentored a young woman for several years now and have read either parts or
all of her many novels she’s written. This summer she developed a wonderful
idea for a series of novellas, and I must say her talent is nothing to be
ashamed of! She’ll be able to fit right in with the best of authors. Most authors feel at
times they can’t write, but never compare yourself to another author. You must
write as you feel called. That’s not to say, you can’t improve or learn more.
That’s a good thing, but never doubt the
talent you’ve been given. You must find out what you are to
write: nonfiction? Articles? Novels? Novellas? What genre suits you?
My friend, Jamin (see above comment about my mentee), writes clean historical romance.
She tried to write a contemporary and hated it. Back to historical she went, and hasn’t looked
back.What time you have. Don’t expect to quit your job, if it’s a main source of income for you or your family. Accept
that and work to find out what time you can devote to writing. Have young children? Then you’ll
have to pick and choose when you can get in that hour, half hour, or ten minutes to write.
Caregiver? Traveler? Co-owner of another business? Whatever the circumstance, you must
accept whatever time works for you to write. If you can’t write full time, then be the best part
time writer you can be.
No, don’t quit. Keep
writing those ideas and plots on paper. Learn. Listen. Practice. Never, never
give up your dream.
A Question for me:
What do you do when
you feel you’ve “gone stale” or “lost the inspiration”?
Great question. I do a couple of things. Because I am always working on at least two projects at a time, I shift gears for awhile and work on something else.
I also have a great book I've put together with magazine pictures. I just pull that out, choose a random picture, and begin writing about it. It's amazing what comes out.
Thank you, Carole, for joining me today!
Brown not only has her award
winning (Winner of the 2015 Christian Small Publisher Award in General Fiction,
nominated for an Epic Award, RWA International Digital Awards finalist in
Inspiration, Laurel Award finalist, Selah finalist; Genesis semi-finalist)
debut novel, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, available for purchase
now, but a companion book called West Virginia Scrapbook: From the Life of
Caralynne Hayman, filled with tidbits of information about West Virginia.
A fun, lighthearted mystery
series began with the first book: Hog Insane, introducing Denton and
Alex Davies and now her second book in this series, Bat Crazy. Her WWII
romantic suspense Spies series began with With Music In Their Hearts,
featuring three red-headed sisters, three spies, and three stories. Late 2015,
she will release the first book, Sabotaged Christmas in a series called, The
Appleton, West Virginia Mysteries.
Besides being a member and
active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring
beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books,
along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for
outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but
have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they
enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and
did she mention their grandsons?
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