1 Tell me a about yourself. What got you started in writing?
My dad was a professional technical
writer and editor, and aspiring sci-fi scribe, my mom an inveterate storyteller.
Between the two of them I was so steeped in the craft that I started composing
tales as soon as I could talk, and writing them down before I was out of
kindergarten. The first time I saw my writing in print was in fourth grade.
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Scott E. Tarbet |
First thing in the morning. Every
day. I'm an early riser, so I'm at my desk by 5:00. I have specific word count
goals for each session and track them assiduously.
How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or some
other method of getting your words down?
I have a home office with a good, up
to date desktop computer. All my writing lives in the cloud, so I can get on with
Office 365 and write from my laptop, iPad, or even my phone. And I often do.
You can never tell when the muse will tap you on the shoulder.
What's your favorite part about writing? Your least favorite
part about writing?
Favorite: deadlines. I work very best
when my publisher has a gun to my head. Especially my publisher; short stories have
benefited from that. Least favorite: deadlines. I hate being under the gun.
How did you come up with your book idea? How long did it take
you to write your book?
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Get the Book at Amazon |
What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?
My publisher, Xchyler, has extensive social
media efforts. Besides their work, I do lots of signings, convention appearances,
etc. My basic philosophy is that writing is easy half of the job: then the hard
stuff starts.
What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?

Close on the heels of that one will
come “Rise of the Stripling Warriors”, an LDS YA, then “The Thousand: First
Worlds”, first volume in a YA/NA hard sci-fi series.
Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.
I have so many projects in the
pipeline that I will have to live to be a hundred and twenty to get them all
written. And that's just what is already in my writer's notebook. The Thousand
series alone should consume the next three or four years.
What would you tell a beginning
writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
I would ask that
beginning writer what in the world they meant by ‘talent’. Is s/he gauging talent
by getting their first draft of their first effort accepted for publication by
a big house? If so, virtually no writer Is ever ‘talented’.
Writers become
published authors when they combine desire to write with extensive practice in
the craft, discipline, and endurance. No one ever emerged from the womb with
their name on the New York Times bestseller list.
If our fictional
writer truly needs outside validation that they should continue on the long
hard road to literary flare, technical competence, and marketability, they
should hand their work to a group of writers whom they respect, and ask for a
brutal assessment. For my part, I have never heard a writer tell another
writer, “Give it up. You stink.” We give each other
feedback, gentle or occasionally brutal, but we never try to deprive each other
of the only outlet for those of us driven to tell stories in the written word.
All that said, some
writers just never reach the point of readiness for the jump to published
author status. If that is you, beginning writer, keep writing for your own
enjoyment. And your mom's. Always your mom's.
Learn more about Scott and his writing:
Good luck with Dragon Moon, Scott. And for me, it's my dad who keeps asking me for my next book - always my dad.