Tell me a about yourself. What got you started in writing?
I have always loved
reading and have written poetry my entire life, however, when I was in high
school, I took a creative writing class and fell in love with writing stories.
After graduation, I married fairly quickly so I didn’t do much with writing
until my four children were a little bit older. My youngest was 10 years old
when I started writing my first book, and I have not stopped since!
How do you schedule your writing
time? When do you write?

How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or some
other method of getting your words down?
I love writing in
long-hand because my brain works better that way, but I also write a lot at the
computer. So it’s actually a mixture of both. It’s very easy to have my spiral
notebook with me in my purse, and if I have a few extra minutes waiting in
line, or picking up kids, I’ll squeeze in as many minutes of writing time as I
What's your favorite part about writing? Your least favorite
part about writing?
The creativity is
hands down, my favorite. I love twisting things around and making things up.
That’s a rush!!! But then, when I’m not in the creative mode, I actually love
editing. My least favorite part is wishing I could write full-time! Oh well.
People are always asking me when my next book is coming out, and I wish I could
publish a new book every few months, but that’s just not possible
for me.
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How did you come up with your book idea? How long did it take
you to write your book?
The idea for my trilogy
started running through my mind and I kept wondering what book it was. It was
funny because a scene would play out in my mind, but then I’d be like, “No,
that’s not how it happened, it was this…” and I changed the scene. It was then
that I realized it was my own story, and I kept it going. It started out as a
fun little story for my family, but then it took on a life of its own. I threw
away the first four chapters and rewrote them to match how the rest of the
story was shaping up, and then it grew and grew. It ended up being a trilogy.
So from the beginning to the end, was 11 years.
What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?
I don’t really do a
lot of marketing, mainly because of time. However, I do run sales on Amazon and
market through Book Barbarian, Robin Reads, etc.
What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?
I have been
commissioned to write an autobiography for a man by the name of Wallace Jeffs.
We are currently in the process of finding an agent and publisher. I am also
writing a short story of one of my characters from my trilogy and also a Dutch
oven cookbook.
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Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.
Once I get the three
books listed above done, then I will be writing the next book in my series that
comes after the trilogy ends, however, all books from here on out will be
stand-alone books.
What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but
doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
Just do it!!!! If you
have a love for writing, just do it! There are so many writing
groups/clubs/seminars and conventions that can help you polish up your writing
skills. There is also a huge author community you can join and there are tons
of us authors who are willing to help and give encouragement. We critique each
other’s writings and help brain storm if needed. Plus, we’re a fun group of
A Question for Me:
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I keep getting asked where I get my
ideas, and how I come up with such crazy bugs. (I have a lot of bugs in my
books, and since it is fantasy, and in another world, I can come up with
anything I want. Mwahahaha!) My answer is this: What if? I ask myself what if,
all the time. What if that tree is sentient, and can speak? What would it say?
Why can it speak? And then let my imagination take over. I also read a lot of
books and watch movies. Sometimes, these get my brain thinking in all kinds of
crazy directions.
I do the same thing with a twist: I'm also in search of new ideas directly from the lips of interesting conversation. It's amazing what people out there will say and do that will give you inspiration for your next book!
I always love learning about how different people market. I have never heard of Book Barbarian or Robin Reads until now.