Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Become a "Profitable Author"

Today, I got a second opportunity to learn; and this time, specifically from published authors, namely: M. Bridget Cook, Leslie Householder, Marnie Pehrson, John C. Robinson, Valerie Ackley and Julie Coulter Bellon.

Photo by: Mr T. in DC, courtesy of Flickr
The topic: "The Profitable Author."

Some things that struck me profoundly:
  • "Write about what you're passionate about" (M. Bridget Cook).
  • Feel the objective. How would it feel to accomplish your dream? Write it down as if it's already happened. Keep writing it down until you believe it" (Leslie Householder).
  • "There are more powerful and useful ideas than there are people willing to follow through on them" (Leslie Householder).
  • "Involve your reader in promoting your book" (Marnie Pehrson).
  • "Apply reinvention and re-purposing to your marketing plan" (John C. Robinson).
As in all things, the take away value of what you receive has as much to do with what you hear as it does with what you decide to do with your new-found knowledge.

Do you get overwhelmed by it and do nothing?

Do you sit down with it, and like a good friend, go over the key points?

Do you take your journey one step further and take action?

Here's to hoping that you take the journey!

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