Monday, January 20, 2014


Are you a single parent? Find out why listening to God is so important to Lisa:

Tell me a about yourself.   

I am a parent, writer, author, and speaker, whose passion is sharing my 'parenting' journey with others.  I'm presently in a place where there is a lot of happiness and soul searching going on in my world.  My life has changed so much since I wrote my first book, THE BOOK "I'm Doing The Best I Can!" (They won't always be cute and adorable).  This was based on some of the most amazing lessons as well as awful ones of being a single parent and a parent who married.  I have come to the conclusion that parenting isn't always what it is cut out to be, especially if you get caught off guard by the changes your child will take you through. 

What got you started in writing?

Actually, it was a very spiritual encounter that took place in which I felt God's presence.  I had been journaling my thoughts for several years and during the time I was in such crisis with my son, he asked for me to take all of my words and to put them in a book for other parents to read.  It was to show them how life can be when you have no spiritual foundation versus how it could be with one.  When we speak, I will go into further detail.

How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or do you prefer writing freehand?

I'm kind of old school!  I really like sitting in front of my desktop in my office while being as creative as possible. 

What's your favorite part about writing? Your least favorite part about writing?

Favorite - being creative and sharing positive and helpful information.  Least Favorite - all the editing!!!  My editor is amazing though.

How do you come up with your characters? Why would readers want to get to know them? 

There really aren't any characters because most of what I write comes from past experiences.  Readers will enjoy the self-help tidbits that will allow them to know that just because things may not be exactly what they think family life should be, that there are many ways to change those expectations.  My books are written with such compassion because I don't want mothers and fathers to hurt so much.  Family life was meant to be a blessing not a curse.

What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing? 

I've been contacting radio, television and print.  I don't like to give up, so every two weeks if I've not heard from them, I'll either call or send an email which reminds them of me and then I usually land an interview.  I'm now in the process of setting up book signings and contacting seminars and  women's ministries that may require a speaker.  

How do you schedule your writing time? When do you write?  

I usually wake up around 2 am.  It's always been that way.  Someone told me that the creative angels are out at that time.  I believe it!
What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?  

Yes, my newest title has been available for a couple of months.  'Manifesting God's Love in Your Family,' took me about a year to write, edit, re-edit, and print.  It was amazing to be in God's presence listening for that long.

Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.  Not at this moment.  I'm so busy promoting this book, I don't have the time for one more endeavor.

What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?  

Never discredit yourself.  I have absolutely no experience and when I allowed myself to listen to to God, I found that we each have an inner talent.  All you can do is try and then make sure you have a great editor!


Thank you, Lisa! Contact Lisa at: 

My website is


  1. Good stuff! I admire Lisa very much; she is a great person and inspires me to pick up my pen and start writing...

    1. Thank you sweet woman. I appreciate your kind words!

  2. Lisa is one of the most inspiring women I have ever met. She speaks from her authentic journey as a parent and shares her experiences as well as her journey with her faith in God. I am blessed to know Lisa as a friend and mentor and I encourage every parent to read her books and attend her lectures.


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