Tell me about yourself. What got you started in writing?
I can’t remember, actually. I’ve just always done it. Writing
has always been a huge part of my life. I still have some stories I wrote when
I was five. They’re pretty epic for a kindergartner, in my opinion.
2 How do you schedule your writing time? When do you write?
I have four kids, so I write when I can. Usually that’s from
9-11 pm after they go to bed. I used to watch TV during that time, so I figure
it was a good trade.
3 How and where do you write? Do you prefer a lap top or some
other method of getting your words down?
I have a laptop. I enjoy the freedom that brings. I like to
change where I sit because I have neck problems, so sometimes I’ll lie on the
couch propped up by pillows, while other times I’ll sit up in a chair. Depends
how my neck is feeling that day.
4 What's your favorite part about writing? Your least favorite
part about writing?
I enjoy the brainstorming and outlining stages. Even the initial
drafting part is really fun for me. But I hate editing and revisions. I keep
thinking it will get easier with the next book, but it never really does.
5 How did you come up with your book idea? How long did it take
you to write your book?
My Numbers Game series was sparked by a trip to the bank. I was
signing some paperwork to buy my husband’s truck and took a long look at my
credit score. It was interesting to me, how they could look at me and my life
and take everything about my complicated financial history into account, then
assign me a single number.
My brain started churning. What if that number represented more
than just finances? What if it was my appearance, my intelligence, my
athleticism? What if I had to wear that number around? What if it determined
where I lived and who I could marry? And above all, what if someone was
manipulating the numbers? Thus, Numbers Game was born.
It took me about two years from start to finish to write Numbers
Game, but that’s because I wrote and traditionally published another book in
the middle of it. I can usually write and edit a novel in about nine months.
I’m amazed with the people who can publish a book every month or so. They must
not have four children. J
What types of marketing do you do to promote your writing?
I’m a big fan of newsletters. I like doing author
cross-promotions, and having a decent-sized newsletter definitely helps. I do
ads on occasion, but only when I have a book on sale (which is about every
three months since my books are in Kindle Unlimited). When I have a book
release, I do a cover reveal and a book blast to help get the word out.
7 What are you currently working on? Do you have a new book out?
I just finished Ruby’s Story, which is a prequel and companion
novella to my second Numbers Game book, Numbers Ignite. I’m giving Ruby’s Story
to my VIP Clan members for free, and I’m really excited to hear what they
think. I’m also working on book three, Numbers Raging. I already have the cover
and I can’t wait to show everyone.
8 Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.
When Numbers Raging is finished, I have a YA pirate fantasy book
that I can’t wait to get finished up. I’ve been working on it for about two
years, and I’ve already had agent interest. I just don’t have the time to
dedicate to it right now.
9. What would you tell a beginning writer who wants to publish but
doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
Talent is a myth. Hard work is seriously what matters most.
There’s a YouTube clip of Howard Tayler that I absolutely love called “Who
Needs Talent?” It’s definitely worth a listen.
The question I get asked most is, how do you write with kids?
simplest answer is my husband. He is incredibly supportive. I’m out at
conferences and conventions a lot, but he rarely complains about spending his
Saturdays catering to my hectic schedule. Supportive family members can
honestly make or break a writing career, and he’s definitely made mine.
Rebecca, I used to write with children hanging on my legs; I used to jokingly call them my 'dangling participles'. I also used to write during nap time and late at night when they were finally asleep.
Learn more about Rebecca and her books:
Thanks, Kathryn!