I have a trilogy book to get ready before December (The Parables of Virginia Bean will, for the first time, be all in one book)
Work on updating Marketing Your Book on a Budget 2017 for its release in January.
Get everything bought and solidified for my signings in November and December.
Continue with my newest book, Tie Died, a new mystery for YA readers.
Keep my clients happily motivated in their own writing.
And more...
What about all else that accompanies the holidays??
Like you, balancing life is often about as easy as balancing a stack of cups on your head. Things get a bit wobbly, and often, are forgotten or come crashing to the floor.
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Ever feel as if you'll never get it right?
I know I do, but remaining positive helps. It keeps me going when the going has gotten the hardest. Keeping positive helps me to remain focused and balanced. I am better able to proritize my life. We can't do everything, but we can do those things that are most important first.
Whew! I feel better already.
Wow! I guess anything is possible!
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