Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fasting and Prayer

Fasting and Prayer

Fasting is an interesting word, for unlike running fast, fasting ‘the Lords way,’ insures a surer step as well as a

Photo by: Lel4nd, Courtesy of Flickr
reflective heart.

This morning I took the opportunity to look up the word, Fast/Fasting in the topical guide. In a nutshell this is what I learned:

Fasting is:

A process of humility (See Psalms 35:13).

A key to repentance (See Psalms 69:10).

Pleasurable (See Isaiah 58:3).

Sanctifying (See Joel 1:14).

Life changing (See Joel 2:12).

A way to serve God (See Luke 2:37).

A way to gain a testimony of particular truths (Alma 5:46).

A way to help others (See Alma 6:6).

A way to have the Holy Ghost with you throughout your life (See Alma 17:9).

Spiritually strengthening (See Helaman 3:35).

Unifying (See 3 Nephi 27:1).

Couldn’t we give the same answers for prayer? Look up at the list again. You may even want to look up the word Fast/Fasting in the topical guide and list the scriptures that include fasting and prayer together. (See D&C 59:14 for my favorite). Pray about what you have learned. What new insights would the Father have you live? Have the courage to go forward in faith.

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