Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Grateful, Teaching Spirit


A Grateful, Teaching Spirit

I haven’t always taught with the spirit although I have often worked through much preparation. I haven’t always allowed the spirit to teach me because I thought I knew better or had it all figured out. (See Zephaniah 2:15)

But like having your own agenda--teaching with your own desires and wisdom, teaching without the spirit, leads you to honor yourself and your own words rather than the Savior and His. And isn’t that what you are teaching. His words?

In journaling, it is easy to lend breath to the words we have written without acknowledging where they have come from in the first place. If we are pondering over the words of the Lord, it is sure that we will come to some conclusion sent just from Him.
Photo by: Curt Fleenor

A journal of gratitude and a grateful, teaching spirit can only come through and by the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the teacher, the greatest teacher we have.

I believe one of the greatest lessons we can learn from the Lord is his constant desire to do the will of the father first. To me this means he went to the Father first.

He would pray. And after that, the scriptures would be opened to Him. Then, and only then, would the scriptures lead him to other points of learning. A beautiful tree could then be seen and pondered. A woman’s words could be reflected on and shared. A story found in his travels could be applied.

Only after a growing relationship with his Father in Heaven could Jesus teach.

Perhaps you do not have a calling as a teacher in your life right now—but you are a teacher—to your children, to your spouse, to your neighbors and co-workers. You are a teacher.

Today, reflect on what the Lord would have you teach someone else. What would he have you do? Say? Record your thoughts.

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