Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Song of the Heart


A Song of the Heart
August 22: (Evening) Something incredible happened to me today. This morning, as I was working in the garden, a song came to my mind. It played itself over and over in my mind for the entire day. I could only remember the last stanza of the song however. “I walked today where Jesus walked, and felt him close to me.”

Art by Emily Amimu, Courtesy of Flickr

As the day played itself out, the tune continued. I did not grow tired of it; rather, I felt great peace the entire day. Just before afternoon, I had a great desire to find the words to the song. The only piece of music I had, played the tune only—I had no written music. And so I tried the Internet. After about a half an hour of searching, I was about to give up when the music was found. I was able to print it out. 

I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked

I walked today where Jesus walked,
In days of long a ago.
I wandered down each path He knew,
With reverent step and slow.
Those little lanes, they have not changed,
A sweet peace fills the air.
I walked today where Jesus walked,
And felt Him close to me.

My pathway led through Bethlehem,
A memory’s ever sweet.
The little hills of Galilee,
That knew His childish feet.
The Mount of Olives, hallowed scenes,
That Jesus knew before
I saw the mighty Jordan row,
As in the days of yore.

I knelt today where Jesus knelt,
Where all alone he prayed.
The Garden of Gethsemane,
My heart felt unafraid.
I picked my heavy burden up,
And with Him at my side,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
Where on the Cross he Died!
I walked today where Jesus walked,
And felt Him close to me.

Today, be open to hearing a song from your Father in Heaven. As you ponder, think of being in a Garden and what the Savior would say to you. Record your thoughts.

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