Tell me a about yourself. What got
you started in writing?
I remember wanting to write after reading
Tom Sawyer in Grade 9. I wanted to be
able to convey that sense of time and place, that humour that’s funny on
different levels. I can’t tell exactly when it happened, but I also remember
that the wanting to write had turned somehow, at some time into a need to write.
I’m the author of five books and I teach
Grade 3. It’s busy, but I get to do two jobs that are very fulfilling, and not
everyone is that lucky.
How and where do you write?
I write in my office at a stand-alone
Do you prefer a lap top or do you
prefer writing freehand?
I do bring a thick notepad and pens with
me whenever traveling. Then I jot down ideas for books, blog posts and even
write some poetry. But writing by hand seem tortuously slow now and it doesn't have
the spell-check features on which I've come to rely. Heavily. When writing by hand I now catch myself watching for the red squiggly line to appear under my
messy script. It never does.
What's your favorite part about
The best thing is the creative process, and
working alone and independently. I kind of enjoy the business end of it, as
Your least favorite part about
Editing a bazillion times and grammar
rules. Ugh.
How do you come up with your
I write and they come to me. I wish I
could be more profound about this process, but that’s what it is for me.
Why would readers want to get to know
My characters are authentic. They don’t
do anything that their character wouldn't do. Also, they are relatable and
fallible – like the rest of us! The reader can empathize with my characters’
thoughts and actions.
What types of marketing do you do
to promote your writing?
I attend farmers’ markets here and there.
I advertise in local newspapers and on Facebook prior to attending and always
have a great time and a great turn out.
I enjoy bringing my work directly to people and having the opportunity
to meet my readers.
Online marketing has been very successful
for me, as well. It’s a great way to connect with people and get them
interested in what I write. Old-fashioned newspaper coverage is still very
effective, if you can get it.
How do you schedule your writing
time? When do you write?
I write and promote my books whenever I’m
not vacationing or teaching school. During the fall of 2013, my school board
granted me a sabbatical. During that time I completed two manuscripts, a young
adult novel and Denby Jullsen, Hughenden.
What are you currently working on?
Right at this moment, most of my energy and time is spent developing
my online presence. I have a blog on my website and Google+, and I’m working to
market my writing online.
Do you have a new book out?
My latest book is called More
Simplicities. It was published in December of 2014 and is a sequel to my
first collection of inspirational anecdotes, Sacred Simplicities (Path Books, 2004). Sacred Simplicities won an award for best in a Life Stories
My first novel for a general audience
(not young adults, that is) is Denby Jullsen, Hughenden, also published
in 2014. It would be considered literary fiction, and revolves around the
murder of Denby Jullsen in 1935. Denby is now available as an e-publication –
my first one. All my other books will follow Denby into ebook form soon.
Do you have a project on the back burner? Tell me about it.

There’s another murder-type mystery I
want to write based in a seed of truth, as Denby
Jullsen is and set in this area of Alberta in the 1930s. Our old newspaper,
The Hughenden Record, tells of a
so-called murder-suicide that took place in 1935. In reading the strangely and
obviously biased account of the incident, it was clear to me that the man held
responsible for the murders was framed. He lies in an untended paupers’ grave
outside the fence of a local cemetery. I want to write his story.
What would you tell a beginning
writer who wants to publish but doesn't believe he/she has enough talent?
I would tell them that writing is a long game. I wanted badly to be
a writer for a long time, and I wrote badly for a very long time. The great
thing about the craft of writing is that it does seem to inevitably improve
with practice. Be patient and keep writing. And give up hope of fruition, as
the Buddhists say. You’d better be writing for the experience of writing
because, honestly, that may be all you get, just the experience. Be sure you
can accept that.
Kathryn, how long have you been
marketing your work through social media and how long have you been blogging?
In your experience and opinion, is social media one of the best marketing tools
or just a different tool that does a different job? (i.e. targets a different
Are you traditionally or
independently published? I am both, but have just had the rights of my last
publisher-owned book reverted to me. I now own all my books.
Great questions!
First, I have been marketing my work through social media for a few years now, although when my first book was released in 2002, I was doing very little social media. Through the years, however, I have learned that social media is up there at the top. Reviews, interviews like this one, places to post for free advertising, as well as other online sources, gets the word out easier and cheaper than ever.
I have been blogging for less time, but enjoy the opportunity to share what I am learning with writing, publishing and marketing, even as I experience the journey. I have readers who return to hear what I have to say next, and authors like yourself who graciously interview for my blog.
I also do quite a few author signings through the year at various locations (other than bookstores). I find that getting out there is just as important as sitting behind my desk and working on social media.
I was first traditionally published, but later bought the rights back to my first book. I am now strictly on my own and love the freedom it gives me to design my own covers, choose my own interior layout, my own price, etc.
Thank you, Lori!
Links to Lori's websites and books:
Author Website:
Facebook Page:
To Purchase Denby
Jullsen, Hughenden as an Ebook:
Book Page:
Primedia Elaunch Author Page:
Twitter Account:
In personal anecdotes written over the last decade, Lori
Knutson shares with readers her observations of the world. Inspired by both
rural and city living, by joyful and painful events, by rainy and sunshiny
weather, these stories serve as a reminder to slow down and notice the lives we
live. The miracles we yearn to experience are here, in the moments that we
pause to savour. This book offers a larger perspective on the smaller things in
Lori Knutson is an author and elementary school teacher
living, teaching and writing in east-central Alberta . You can visit Lori at
Kathryn, thank you for the excellent interview!
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm focused on the planning, events, and financial obligations related to my child's upcoming High school graduation. It's an exciting time, and interesting stage of life! So it won't be until this Summer that I can get back to reading books of my choice. I really want this "Denby Jullsen, Hughenden" to be one of them!
It takes quite a few hours to drive to Alberta! How did you meet author Lori Knutson?
Hi Jonathan, Thank you for your interest in Kathryn's interview with me and in reading Denby. If you're interested in following my posts, please stop by
I write a variety of different things there and post pretty much weekly. It would be great to have you as a reader! Thanks again.
I met her online, one of my favorite places to meet fellow authors. I'm sure you'll enjoy her book. To summer!