Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Marketing to Your Audience

I occurs to me today that I haven't yet discussed marketing to a specific audience. You need to know first hand from me, that I've been known to market to the entire gamut at one time, and haven't until recently, really started to think about marketing to my audience and what that would mean.

So allow me an example:

When I published Marketing Your Book on a Budget 2013, I wanted writers to see it. I knew that readers who weren't writers probably wouldn't care, but that most writers would. So how to get them to see what I had to offer?

One of the first things I did was to post the news on my blog. Most of my readers are writers, so I wanted the news to go first to them. Recently I've read that you will have greater success with readers if you have only one blog, rather than many that relate to each of your books, for example. Keep everything tidy and in one location, where readers can learn all about you.

Second, I focused on getting the word out on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. I'm aware that these posts went out to everyone, whether they were a writer or not, but this is a difficult one to narrow down, so in my efforts to share with all of my friends, I'm sure that some of my writer friends got the message.

Third, I actually posted a link to my book on my many writer related social media sites. I got many comments and some purchases from sharing the direct link to Amazon, and one not so good response. But all in all, writers appreciated that I let them know about my book.

Consider the theme of your book and get involved in social media groups that focus on your particular topic.

Fourth, I have been focusing on going to places where writer's spend their time. Classes and writing conferences are a great place for me because there are plenty of writers their interested in marketing their next book.

What if you have a book on gardening? Or cooking? These are easy. But what if you've written a  book about aliens? Do some deep thinking. If I'd just written a book about aliens, I'd consider planetariums, sky watching parties, stores that sell 'outer worldly' stuff.

Fifth, I usually put out emails to my family and friends and tell them about my new book. I also invite them to a book signing at my home. I didn't do it this time for obvious reasons.

Family and friends typically will buy anything you write; they like to support you in your endeavors and love the fact that they know a published writer personally.

Here's what you need to know:

1. Blog. Blog. Blog.
2. Share. Share. Share.
3. Link. Link. Link.
4. Go places. Go places. Go places.
5. Friends & Family. Friends & Family. Friends & Family.

Do you have a new book? How are you getting it out to your audience?

Let me know here!

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