It has to.
I remember thinking years ago that I wanted to be a published writer. But it took work.
I talked with other wishful thinkers who wanted to be authors but they never wrote - anything. You probably know them.
"I have always wanted to write a book," they always said, but their desires remained a wish.
I remember thinking years ago that I wanted my own publishing company. In my head I thought, "Well, I'm going to need a building, some help, plenty of paper and materials, and the withal to do such a huge task."
Years later, when the publishing industry changed (authors no longer had to purchase 1,000 copies at a time in order to get their book in print) I realized something else.
I could publish my own books and I could set up shop right in my very own home.
Even later, I realized that, with my years of learning the craft of writing, that I could mentor others in their desires to write and get published.
What you hope for in writing has to be more than a pipe dream.
Your dream has to be concrete. It has to be written down or drawn out on paper. You have to see it every day. You have to believe it and then work towards your reality.
There is no other way.
I totally agree with your analysis, Kathryn. See yourself as that which you are dreaming to become. Act like it, prepare for it, and move forward towards achieving that goal.