Monday, December 22, 2014

The Home Stretch...

Christmas is almost here! Are you ready?

Unbelievably I finished all of the shopping last week. Though I still find myself purchasing small things here and there, I'm done, so to speak.

This week, the last few days before Christmas, is a little like finishing that long winded race; the race that was enjoyable at times, painful at others. When I see Christmas before me like a lit Christmas tree, I am ready to take the winnings in!

And the winnings for me far surpass the Christmas gifts under the tree.

I reflect on the hugs from family and friends. The well wishes for a Merry Christmas. I reflect on neighbors coming to the door with gifts of candy, cookies and more. In a nutshell, these last few days as Christmas approaches I tend to think more on the Savior, more on his love and sacrifice for me a recipient (an ofttimes unworthy recipient) of his gift of sacrifice.

My writing?

I do a little. But most of my time is spent doing other things. I find it more than a little difficult to work on my writing projects. At times I just want to sit and take it all in.

And maybe, just maybe, that's the best thing I can do.


  1. The best part of this time of the year is sharing memories and fun times with good friends and family. Also shared a very beautiful and meaningful candlelight and communion service with my church family last night.


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