Monday, December 19, 2011



Perhaps you have heard this commercial on your own radio. A guy is wailing and complaining inside of his car because he can’t get out. Evidently, he has had this particular vehicle for a very long time, and is used to having it. But now he wants to get out. He wants something different, better in his life. 

A particular salesman at a particular dealership grants him his request. He lets him out so that he may purchase a car on his lot. A new car with better everything.

How often do we fall for this in life?

How often do we make a decision based solely on our own desires for change? Perhaps even our own inconveniences?

On the other hand, I love the thought of including the Lord in our desires for change. Is now the time to sell our house? Buy that car? Go on that vacation? And if not, what is it that we are to do? And if so, what house, what car, what vacation?

Do you believe the Lord wants to walk with you every step of the way, or only on those trips that appear spiritual?

I remember a particular time I had this very question. I wondered, “Does the Lord really want to be with me at all times? In every decision? What about when I’m at the grocery store?”

I remember the answer from the Lord as if the event happened yesterday. “I will be with you always, even in the grocery store.”

With this thought came the realization that, through preparation on my part and my willingness to listen to the whisperings of the spirit, I could actually save money at the grocery store!

I have since been filled with peace as I’ve made out my grocery list. As I’ve studied the ads, I have known what to purchase. And, at the grocery store, I have felt a great peace knowing that the Lord is pleased with my efforts and is yet with me, as I travel down the lanes of the grocery store.

Nephi tells us through the inspiration and direction of the Lord that we “must pray always, and not faint. That we “must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul” (2 Nephi 32:9).

Are you lacking some peace in an area of your life? Perhaps the lack of peace comes when you are driving in your car, sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, trying to get your children off to school. Maybe you’re wondering about that new car.

Make a short list.

Reflect on the list.

Ask the Lord for direction.

Record his words.

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